Clean Blessings

There are 18 children at Alan Shepard School who we can BLESS by giving them the basic hygiene supplies they need. We invite you to help us provide these items to the students. Below is information on another way you can BLESS your community.

Packages will be delivered to the school the 4th Mondays of

September, November, January, March, and May.

(socks and wash cloths delivered in September and March only)

Three ways to give

  1. Donate individual items. (Commit to buying at least one extra shampoo or deodorant, etc. every week on your grocery trip)
  2. Purchase all items and pack a bag for a child.
  3. Donate money for other eager shoppers to do the shopping.

Items Included in Bags

  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Deodorant
  • Body soap/wash
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Hand soap
  • Socks* (6-10 pack)
  • Wash cloth
  • Feminine products

*Sock sizes vary by gender and age categories

  • Female K-3 (sock size M 10.5-4)
  • Female 4-6 (sock size L 4-10)
  • Male K-3 (sock size M 10.5-4)
  • Male 4-6 (sock size L 4-10)

Donations can be dropped off at North Ridge Community Church during office hours or during Sunday morning worship

We ask for prayers over these bags and over our schools. We would love to expand into Neil Armstrong School, The N.S. Jr. High, and beyond.